Southern California Edison (SCE)

Learn more about the solar programs offered by SCE in California

Fortunately, SCE provides plenty of resources online to help you understand your bill. We have compiled some of the helpful links and documents found on their website below.


The SCE online solar resources are broken out into two categories depending on what billing plan you are on. Here is the difference between the two categories:

  1. Net Energy Metering (NEM)—This program applies to any Better Earth customers who signed up to go solar in SCE territory before April 1st, 2023.
  1. Solar Billing Plan (SBP) - otherwise known as NEM 3.0 or Net Billing, this program applies to any Better Earth customers who signed up to go solar in SCE territory after March 31st, 2023.

Access Solar Resources on the SCE website here:

NEM Resources

Understanding Your NEM Bill Video:


SBP Resources

Understanding your Solar Billing Plan (NEM 3.0) Bill

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