Process Overview

Learn about the process to install a battery

The Process & Timelines

The process of installing a battery is very similar to the process of installing solar panels. You can find a step-by-step guide in our Process Overview article.


Keep in mind that the type of battery you plan to install may affect the overall timeline.


Back Up/Partial Back Up Battery:

Battery backup options can impact the installation timeline since they require additional approvals and installation of electrical components.


Having a Backup battery included as part of a project can add an additional 30 days or more to the overall installation timeline.


Non-Back Up Battery:

The installation of Non-Backup Battery systems is not expected to cause significant delays in the project timeline, except for the timelines set by the AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction) and utility.


These installations usually have simple designs and require minimal effort for permitting and interconnection processes.

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Last updated on December 5, 2023