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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions About Battery Storage

Updated over 3 months ago

Where are the batteries installed on my home?

  • All batteries are installed on the exterior of the home, as required by many of the AHJs we work with.

  • If installation on the home is not possible, a pedestal in the yard may be used as an alternative.

  • If space and clearance outside the home are limited, batteries may be installed in the garage with protective bollards, provided the AHJ approves.

    • Both alternative installation options, either the pedestal or garage with bollards, will be indicated on the plans if required.

Can a combination of 2 different batteries get installed at once?

  • When it comes to user experience, it will make much more sense to install one type of battery at your home. This will allow you to see all of your energy storage from one mobile application rather than from multiple sources. For this reason, Better Earth does not install two different types of batteries for one solar system.

Will the Batteries need to be connected to WiFi?

  • Yes, all battery options will need to be connected to the wifi.

  • The SolarEdge Systems comes with a built-in cell kit that reports information. If Wi-Fi is accessible, we will connect to it. If not, the cell kit will handle it without any issues.

  • Enphase Batteries require a Wi-Fi connection to transmit system data to the manufacturer’s portal. While Wi-Fi is the preferred method for communication, we also set up cellular access as a backup. Both forms of communication are ideal, ensuring the system operates without issues.

  • Both Tesla Powerwall and Franklin Batteries require a Wi-Fi connection to transmit their system data to the manufacturer's portal. If the primary method, Wi-Fi, fails, a cellular connection serves as a backup. Both Tesla and Franklin have built-in cellular capabilities. However, Franklin requires an additional $400 data plan after the first 30-day trial period concludes.

    • Without a connection, the system warranty becomes void as firmware updates necessary for maintaining the system's efficiency won't be received, and monitoring won't function correctly. For both Tesla and Franklin, the lack of a connection results in the loss of battery information and customer interface.

Can a Non-Better Earth Solar customer get just a battery installed by Better Earth?

  • No, we currently do not install batteries alone for non-Better Earth customers.

If I already have solar and I am adding batteries, will I need a new inverter?

  • If you do not have a battery-ready inverter, a new inverter will be installed as part of the battery installation at no additional cost.

    • Note: This will NOT affect a customer's NEM 2.0 status (California Only)

With a Backup Battery, how is the battery to turned on if the power goes out?

  • With either backup battery, the battery will turn on instantly when the power goes out.

  • Most customers will not be aware of if the power goes out at all.

How will I know what will be backed up in the event of a power outage?

  • You are able to choose what breakers/appliances to back up with the battery during the battery installation.

Can I add a battery later?

  • Yes, you can add a battery to your system at a later time.

If Better Earth installs one battery now, can I add another battery later?

  • Yes, you have the option to purchase a second battery at a later time and connect it to your existing system.

Can a I have a different company install a battery if I am an existing Better Earth customer?

  • Yes, however, if another company tampers with the equipment installed on the customer's home, it will void the Better Earth warranties.

  • If the customer does go down this path, reach out to our Customer Support team by using Live Chat on our website so we can work with them to not void their warranty with Better Earth.

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