
Learn the essential information required for the state of Arizona

What Is Specific About Arizona?

Utility Buy Back Rates

Various parts of Arizona are serviced by different utility companies. Certain utility companies, such as SRP (Salt River Project), do not offer a favorable solar buy back rate.


When it comes to utility companies like SRP, we recommend installing a system that can cover 50-70% of your energy usage and include a load controller, which regulates your power usage at specific times during the day. The primary goal is to maximize your savings with solar.


Load Controller

The Load Controller is used to regulate the electricity consumption in a home, helping to prevent excessively high electric rates from the utility company.


The device is connected to your air conditioning and water heater. It throttles these appliances to keep the energy demand below peak thresholds set by the utility company, which would otherwise result in extremely high electric bills.


Currently, the Load Controller is mandatory for all projects within the Salt River Project (SRP) utility in Arizona, while it is optional in the rest of the state.

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Last updated on December 6, 2023